‘Death Note’ Season 2 is a Japanese manga mystery psychological thriller series written by Tsugumi Ohba and represented by Takeshi Obata. It is definitely the adaptation of the authors’ novel of the same name released by Shueisha. Death Note Season 1 viewed on Nippon TV every Tuesday. It had a total of 37 episodes which were delivered on 3 October, 2006 directed by Tetsuro Araki entertainment and spread the manga series. The Madhouse produced the anime and also added a hand in the production. Death Note continued to be one of the most famous anime ever following its publication, even 14 years earlier. The anime from 2006 is also Tsugumi Ohba’s great conversion of the manga series by Takeshi Obata. The last volume of the manga released in July 2006 completed the series by ending the Light Yagami storyline with the hero character. Fans were therefore doubtful whether or not manga authors would establish a sequel.
Death Note Season 2 Release Date
We have some GREAT news for you, however, a new story for Death Note will be published around 2021 in Japan’s Jump SQ magazine.
What may occur in Death Note Season 2?
To start with, the 2015 Death Note series at NTV network finished with the original notebook burned as Mikami sets the warehouse on fire. He no longer wanted to be realized as Kira. Misa as a result ignores her reason for killing the task force. In order to save themselves, Ryuk and Rem flow into another world. Light Yagami dies in the flaming warehouse. Even on the verge of dying, he was trying to recover the notebook.
What is the IMDB Ranking of the Death Note Series?
The series is critically approved and became widely famous across the world. It gained an excellent ranking of 9 out of 10.